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¡¼ÃÖ¿ì¼ö³í¹®»ó¡½¸ðüžÆÀÇÇÐ(Accuvix»ó)-¹ÚÁß½Å(¼¿ïÀÇ´ë): Measurement of Placental Alpha-Microglobulin-1 in Cervicovaginal Discharge to Diagnose Rupture of Membranes¦»ý½Ä³»ºÐºñÇÐ(Astra Zeneca »ó)-±è¼ºÈÆ(¿ï»êÀÇ´ë) : Association between susceptibility to advanced stage endometriosis and the genetic polymorphisms of aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor and glutathione-S-transferase T1 genes¦ºÎÀÎÁ¾¾çÇÐ(Çѱ¹¿©¼º¾Ï¿¬±¸Àç´Ü»ó)-±èº´±â(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë) : Phase ¥Ðstudy consolidation chemotherapy after concurrent chemoradiation in cervical cancer : Preliminary results¦ÀϹݺÎÀΰúÇÐ(Bayer Schering pharma, Gynecare »ó)-À¯ÀºÈñ(°æÈñÀÇ´ë) : Predictors of leiomyoma recurrence after laparoscopic myomectomy ¡¼Çмú»ó¡½¼Û½ÂÀº(¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë) : Clinic outcomes of first trimester discordant twins ¦ÁÖ´ÙÇý(¿ï»êÀÇ´ë) : The efficacy abd toxicity of docetaxel in patients with recurrent or persistent epithelial ovarian cancer